Exacta Global Smart Solutions


Exacta Global Smart Solutions, LLC offers a range of services that help companies bring Internet of Things solutions based on the oneM2M Global Standard from concept to deployment.

  • oneM2M project support
  • oneM2M training
  • Support for deployment of the industry recognized Chordant implementation of oneM2M service layer
  • Representation at oneM2M standards meetings

Solution Architecture Development

  • Provide architecture development based on oneM2M that includes integration of legacy/non-oneM2M components and devices
  • Scale Up and Commercialization
  • Support for deploying and servicing the Chordant oneM2M software stack in the cloud or at the edge
  • Technical Evaluation and Integration to oneM2M
  • Assist with selecting the IoT device vendors and integration into the oneM2M solution
  • Provide IoT device vendors guidance for migrating to oneM2M

Broad Network of oneM2M Professionals

  • Strong relationships with other IoT Professionals with expertise in oneM2M development and standardization, Front End Development, Testing and Certification, etc.
  • Research & Development Resource
  • Additional resource for companies that are resource constrained


Exacta Global Smart Solutions, LLC

+1 484-750-1869                contact@exactagss.com          Greater Philadelphia, PA